Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kid Talk and Table Talk-Game of the Week-July 23, 2008

Table Talk and Kid Talk are “Conversation Cards” I recently stumbled across at my local toy story while looking for a present. Any game with the word conversation printed on the box catches my eye. While I have not tried these cards in therapy yet, I have used them with a multi-aged group of kids and saw real potential. The responses expected in this game are open ended yet specific. You will understand that after you see some sample cards. Game Systems Inc. produces Table Talk and Kid Talk. As soon as I get a chance, I will peruse their site for more language development gems. I can see the potential use as a whole session or for quick 5 minute filler. Kid Talk is more appropriate for younger children or students who lack maturity, good general knowledge or attention to task. I found that Table Talk makes a good family game as well.

The Original Rules:
Each card tells a little story. The table talk stories are longer and the material more mature. Then the players must respond to the same simple thought questions. The player can give any answer they like but they must answer the question.
I can see that these cards would work well in therapy. Giving/organizing thoughts and opinions can be very difficult for some students to do. Sometimes students want to tell their whole life story and explain their answers. Sometimes their responses are way off target or even slightly off target enough to be incorrect. Sometimes students do not understand that their own opinion may be correct and may peruse the card looking for the correct answer.

Skills Targeted: Drawing Inferences/Conclusions, Auditory Comprehension, Pragmatic skills (topic maintained, changing topics), organizing language

Modified Way to Play:
I have not developed game modifications yet but I assume I would have to give several cues/guidance to help the students stay on topic and organize language in a concise way.

Sample Cards:

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